Wakusei Aoshi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Love to HATE

Love to HATE
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I hate a lot of things, so of course I would enter this challenge! ^ ^

I actually hate Shirley the most out of all of these...so maybe I should've just put there instead of everyone else.

Well, let me tell you WHY I hate these characters.

Mist: She's a worthless character in FE and I don't see why she needs to be in there...I understand she has the amulet and everything...but why couldn't Micaiah or somebody, or even Ike, have it? We don't need Mist. And I can't see how Mist doesn't annoy Ike. She's always coming in annoying everyone and then she's a crappy unit...She barely heals anyone...So I don't like her because she's a worthless character.

Collette: IS SOOOO ANNOYING!! TT^TT UGH! Stop being the 'nice' and 'innocent' one...She needs to stop being so 'sweet' and boring and she's not even funny. Plus everyone feels pity and stuff for her....but she's...ARG! She is just so stupid and has no character besides the innocent klutz. WHY LLOYD!? WHY DO YOU LIKE HER SO MUCH!? Doesn't her really stupid points that she brings up kill you, waste your time, make you want to throw a rock at her head? I wish she'd just shut up (and she does for a small part of the game, in which she became almost my favourite character for a small period).

Tear: Again, another annoying character that the main character of a Tales game likes...or is in love with. She's annoying because she's soooo girly and like every other girl I hate out there. The ones who think they're so cool and are all serious and stuff, but they obviously have a nice and girly side. No, either you're girly or you're not, there are no different sides. I hate girls like that...

Takada: She's also very annoying. She's very dumb and thinks she knows everything but she totally doesn't and we all know that. I love the fact that Light uses her so much, because a ditsy girl like her deserves it.

Shirley: Shirley...>:( I HATE Shirley...She's another one of those pointless female characters that the main character is in love with and she's all innocent and righteous...She's always whining and worrying about everything, and there's always a scene with her in it! TT^TT And she's nice? And she's in love with Lelouch? And she is sweet and innocent? And she just wants peace? But she's so shy? BULL CRAP! I freaking HATE her to death! If I were the creators, I'd have her to be the first to die, and Lelouch would totally ignore her. I'm more for a Lelouch and C.C. thing...or anybody EXCEPT SHIRLEY.

I hate innocent girls...and righteous girls...feminists...I hate them...>:(

I probably hate more characters than these, but I can't really think of them right now...or for some of them I'm not really sure if I hate them, rather they just annoy me. Like Rin Kagamine...I don't hate her, but I don't like her...I just don't know....>.>

Enjoy the wallpaper if you DO like these characters! ^ ^

Crossover Anime and Manga Wallpapers
collette, hate, mist, shirley, takada, tear
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Worst/Annoying Characters Ever!

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