I'm back from vacation.

I'm back from Texas, everyone. I actually got back Saturday evening and I still wish I didn't come back. Not that I missed everyone, because I didn't... Jk. Not really. Maybe? Eh, anyways. I just really enjoyed my time out there being with great friends and going to places I haven't been to before. Also, I had like Mexican cuisine everyday xD Like HOME COOKED. The good shit. But I'm white, so I'm just sounding like a retard who is racially confused. xDD But seriously, it's been a good while since I had a good Mexican dish, so I was like really excited for that. I like food, damn it! Let me be happy. >:1 Not to mention, they had some really good sushi shops out there. <3 Like damn I thought the shops here were tasty, they had some pretty tasty sushi and sashimi. Best of all, we didn't go to any bars. I'm sorry, but I'm fucking tired of going to bars as a "getting out" place. That's all my friends here want to do. I'm like seriously sick of fucking not doing anything, but sitting there and drinking. LET'S GO SOMEWHERE ELSE AND BE ACTIVE WHILE WE DRINK! >A<# Sorry, I'm just like ffffffuckkkk. I need new local friends.

I didn't go on college campus, kind of? I dunno. The layout was weird. Like itt was all roads and fields, but apparently it's part of the college, but at the same time not??? @w@;; Make up your mind, College Station! But driving around and seeing all these big houses and such was nice. I got to play DJ a few of the times, so they had to deal with my tastes in genres. >D~ Jk, They listen to the same shit I do. xD Either that, or I introduced them to a couple of new bands. :3

We watched the Castlevania episodes on Netflix and criticized it. That was a fun couple of hours. xD It was anything too bad, for the most part it was really good. There were a couple of spots we just found annoying. The art and animation style was really good and reminded me of Avatar: The Last Airbender a lot. Maybe it's the same animators? I dunno. I just didn't like that the first season was sooooo short. 4 episodes? Come onnnnnn...

Other than losing my dog while I was there, I had a really great time. I did my best not too let my emotions be a burden to my friends and were completely understanding if they were to slip out and such. <3

I've also really gotten into Final Fantasy XIV as of late. It sucks having to pay $15 a month for a subscription, but it's worth it. I love the customization aspect of the game so much. <33333 I'm currently working on a picture of one of my newer characters, so expect that shit.

That's about it, though. So, yeah. Bye!

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