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To-Do List

About Me!

Name: Danielle; but you can also call me Dani or Eneko!
Age: 24 years old
Birthday: October 22, 1992
Gender: genderfluid, all pronouns loved!!!
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Orientation: demiromantic graysexual, in a relationship
Occupation: I work for Louisiana's tax and revenue division!
Favorite Music: I heavily favor lyricless songs, but I like some wordy ones too. Cartoon, video game and movie soundtracks, classical, 30s/40s/50s music, electro-swing, older country, electronic, The Beach Boys, and Green Day.
Favorite Books/Series: The Ghatti's Tale by Gayle Greeno; Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey; Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams; The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey.
Favorite Movies: The Hobbit, The Emperor's New Groove, Lego Movie, Finding Nemo, and Finding Dory
My biggest fandoms: top three? Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon.
Personality: People have told me I'm always super-happy and I am really optimistic about everything. I don't take anything for granted, and appreciate every little thing. Sometimes my honest enthusiasm about everything comes off as childish, but I am a mature person. I laugh a LOT too. And I have the hugest appetite, despite my small stature. Also I'm naturally intelligent, but I find it hard to concentrate on many things, and my memory suffers because of it too. I love video games, tv, Tumblr, drawing, reading, cosplaying, and eating. I talk to myself A LOT.
I Hate: the mall; smokers and drugs; Porn of kid shows or ones I've grown up watching; rulebreakers; I hate being wrong; I hate when people copy offa me. I hate the act of body-shaming.
I Love: my (deceased) cat, Peanut; I love feeling important to certain people in my life; Pokemon, Skyrim, and Animal Crossing are my top 3 fandoms. I also love: Adventure Time; Regular Show; AtLA; LoK; Steven Universe; Chowder; Scrubs; Psych; Fallout; Tumblr; coffee; EVERY CAT IN THE WORLD.

Other Sites I'm a Member of!:

DeviantArt: Eneko-wweh
Tumblr: Spoopy-eneko
Skype name: Nyarthy-kun
Livestream channel: Right over here!!!
Aaaaand, here's my Facebook account. You can have it! Danielle!!

Football Game With a Silver Lining

This Friday is Halloween. And I have to play in my school's football game that night. So my Halloween is pretty much whacked.

Not actually! I think Doc is letting us wear our Halloween costumes instead of our formal uniforms. I was going to wear my Cat in the Hat costume, but since I got that idea from another band member, he might wear his Cat in the Hat costume. I can't risk wearing the same thing. That'd be terrible!

So. I heard one of my best friends in the band is being a black cat. I got a cool idea from a fellow clarinet-ist that I could be a white cat, and both of us could be a pair, Yin and Yang kitties!

So I'm wearing all white. So far I'm wearing white leggings that go down to the ankle, white bermudas over them, a white long sleeved t-shirt, a white jacket, and I just got long finger-gloves! They come up to my elbow and all the fingers are cut off. Of course the holes aren't cut off, so technically they're still gloves.

I still have to buy a white ski hat and sew cat ears on it. And make the tail. Since Yin has a little bit of white in it, and Yang has a little bit of black in it, my friend decided that she'd have white ears and tail and I'd have black ears and tail. Tell me what you think, will my outfit be cute or normal or U-G-L-Y?

Eneko out!

Puffs Prevails!

I rummaged through our supply closet in our laundry room and I found some Puffs tissues! My nose feels better already. I hate having a cold. :(

Yesterday my mom, younger sister, and I went mall shopping. Which was a big chore for me. I hate going shopping. But the good thing is that now I have lots of cute winter clothes! Well, my sister says they're cute. I always go to her for fashion advice, since I have no concept of "cute" things.

Eneko out!


I'm sure every time I close my eyes I'll see my compy screen...
I've been at work on my new icon for like two days straight. It actually took me shorter to create it, but I went through lots of trials and errors.

Anyway, I think it came out well. It's an animation of my Mews doing the CaramellDansen. The order is Chiizu, Kabocha**, Nasu, Gurinpisu**, Ninniku**, and Ninjin**.

** I haven't posted these mews up yet. So my icon is a spoiler! ^3^

Eneko out!


*sniffle* Yeah. So by fried was so considerate that for by birthday preset, *sniff* she gabe be her cold. How thoughtful, huh? All *sniff* today I've had to wipe by dose with dapkins. Dow by dose hurts. Which bade be thik of:

"A nose in need deserves Puffs, indeed."

(I purposefully typed like that because I have a cold and that's what it sounds like.)

Eneko out!

Happy Birthday to Meeee~

Yay! Today's my birthday! Although for personal info I'm not saying how old I am... ;)

I'm only asking for money for my b-day this year. Because then I might be able to afford the new Ipod nano, you know, the one that plays videos and movies. Hopefully if my sister gets LimeWire working I can download songs for free >->

Yess! For lunch today I was able to get a pint of Borden dutch chocolate milk! That's really good and silky and thick. It's like a treat. Also, for my birthday, I don't have any homework and I had a drama club rehearsal after school. ^^

I may be getting striped socks from one of my friends! Woot.

Eneko out!