Update Type Thing

First off, I will finish that ACen post. Eventually. I'm a little bit past the halfway point.

Second, I'm still looking for captions. Please make sure to comment there and not here.

Thirdly, my album process is going a lot slower than I thought it would. I haven't forgotten you, Challenge winners. You will get copies once I'm done. And I promise they'll sound a lot less sloppy than the download I linked to you.

I'm getting tired of numbering my updates. For now, I'll just type freely.

Anyone want to hear some OC trivia? I'll post the origins of my characters' names in the near future, but if there's anything else you want to know, just ask. 0_~

I'm kind of between anime right now. I've been trying to clean out my backlog, and although I have finished more anime than I want to start, I have 50+ titles that I want to watch in my backlog. Currently, I'm watching Slayers Next, but the Funimation site is being kind of a butt to me and their customer service is soooooo sloooooow. What I'm trying to say is this: got any recommendations?
