This WORLD (which doesn't exist) is where I rant about my latest art.

Checkout my DA!


I guess this is where I introduce myself.


Name: ...did you say something?

Likes: duh.


In no particular order:

  • procrastination
  • deadlines
  • non-canon pairings (unless they're super obviously implied. Actually these tend to be my favorite pairings, go figure)
  • idiots

Hobbies: [refer to 'Likes' section please]

Dreams for the future: I live in the moment.


If you have any requests or stuff like that, just drop a comment or message me. I'll be more than happy to make something for you. Just don't expect it to be done within the week. Or month. Or year.


External Image
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

What a Wretch I Am!

So I had to make a visual of a passage in Les Miserables for an English project. Here's what I came up with: ...

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Blood and Iron

Yes, I've been dead online. I blame dead white guys. 300 pages of them. Do you realize how many exiled kings run to England? ------------------------------- ...

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Valentine's Day Contest Entry

Applaud my totally creative, completely original title please. ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- No, seriously. Clap. --------...

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No Man is an Island

I REALLY should be doing homework right now... ...

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Ultimate Sacrifice

I seem to be drawing a lot lately, hmmm? ----------------------------------- ...

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