Dieter + Lev Bios

Edit: So I'm officially done with it for now, though I may update it as the roleplay goes on. I've also already gone back and edited parts of it, so those who read the early versions might want to go back and speed-read again just to catch everything.

Since I mention mine and my friend's roleplay so much, I figured I might as well tell you about some of the characters I'm using.

Background on Sone Empire: The Sone Empire is a powerful nation with multiversal travel capabilities. It's separated into Evanescents who compete to have the most influence and power. These Evanescents often recruits people from other nations to become Imperials, using them to further their influence Once a person is a Sone Imperial, they get a few things:

First, a paffe that, by breaking matter down to quarks with the infinite potential to rebuild them, basically works as a magic bag where, if you can think of its structure, the structure is physically possible, and it can fit through the opening of the bag, you can pull it out of the bag infinitely. This includes money, guns, food, alcohol, and almost anything else you can think of.

Second, they have the potential for immortality - they can have a body created for them with their specifications on appearance or age, but once created, it acts as a normal body, subject to the same illnesses and weaknesses as any other body. Their consciousness is stored inside a gem (similar to the soul stones in Madoka Magica), and once their body dies, they can just transfer the gem - and consciousness - into a new body, allowing for a lifespan potential of infinity (as long as the Sone Empire is in operation), but still containing the ability to look as young as 10 if desired. The only two things that would stop this is if the Imperial either resigned or was discharged, after which they would live an ordinary life and die an ordinary death.

Third, one or more cars for built for multiversal travel. One could travel from galaxy to galaxy, universe to universe, or even across time, with the car's access to something called the Slway. Even with this ability, however, trips with it could still take a few minutes to a few hours, depending on how far and to what time they're travelling.


  • Due to them being one of a very few nations to ever discover the capability of multiversal travel, very few societies are fully aware of the existence of The Sone Empire or its Imperials. If a country is aware of them, it's usually only the government that knows about them.
  • Sone Imperials are generally either considered a vir potens (who wield guns, bombs, and other weapons) or an indigator (people who wield knowledge and logic. They also work as researchers and scientists), or a combination of both vir potens and indigator.
  • Despite having the potential for immortality, it takes a lot of energy to create a new body. Therefore Imperials are encouraged to let their bodies last as long as possible.
  • T there may be Imperials stationed at other places for other reasons, depending on the needs of the Imperials and their Evanescents. For example, Dieter, Lev, Enya, and Tich are all stationed as students at Aemir University for various reasons, independent to the Imperial.
  • When the consciousness transfers bodies, the full consciousness transfers, including mental illnesses, addictions, thought patterns, and the like.
  • Depending on who their Evancescent is, they may have certain amounts of freedom. Since Dieter and Lev's Evanescent is a woman named Milowake who has a strong belief in freedom, she usually doesn't limit them as long as they are doing their jobs well.