What is the first anime you ever watched?

Konichiwa Mina,

Time for another question! ^^ This question didn't take so much time to think about and it pretty much had been stuck in my head all day! XD But anyways,

Today's questions will be:
What is the first anime you ever watched?

(NOTE: First name your first one, and then you can name the other ones.)

MY ANSWER: As you might know or might not know, I discovered anime when I was 6. I liked the cuteness of the characters like their big eyes. ^^ The first anime I EVER watched was anime called "Onegai My Melody." I'm not sure if many people know this anime, but I really enjoyed it! The second anime I watched was....I think it was..Sailor Moon! I love that show. *_*

[P.S I'm not sure if any of you are annoyed by it, but my posts are very long! Sorry if you hate the fact that they're long. x3]

Leave your answers in the comments~

