Demon Hunter Rinoa Veil Chapters 3-4

Chapter 3: "How dare you!"

"Kyou Masashi," The stranger said, and pulled out a long steel bo staff.

"Well, well... if it isn't an agent of the Outland Society. You're a funny one, Masashi... looks like they've lost their touch. Do you really think you'll beat me with that little stick you call a weapon?" Azriel teased, spinning her guns into their sheaths belt around her waist.

"Who said I needed to beat you?" Kyou asked slyly.

"Isn't it obvious? You were sent to protect her, since she's a helpless human doing the Society's job: hunting demons... After all, it's the least your people can do, right?" Azriel assumed.

Rinoa looked up at the agent. At first he didn't say anything, but looked down sideways at Rinoa, and winked. This made Rinoa blush, but you would have missed it if you blinked.

"How dare you!" Rinoa exclaimed, standing up, brushing herself off, "Interrupting a fight between two females... I must say, I am astounded at your rudeness! I swear, the so-called Outland Society needs to mind it's own business!"

Both Azriel and Kyou stared at Rinoa, astonished at her reaction. She had been confident and quiet the whole time up till now.

"What do you want? If the Society is interfering, then there's obviously something that the higher ups want! Is it the same as the opposing forces like Azriel?!" Rinoa questioned.

Kyou and Azriel were speechless.

Rinoa stared long and hard at them, both frozen.

"WELL?!" Rinoa shouted and folded her arms, looking at them expectantly, "Why do you want Akira?!"

Chapter 4: "Do you trust me?"

"Why are you after him?!" Rinoa demanded.

Kyou stepped up. He was the first to speak.

"The Outland Society is not after him... they seek to protect him also." He answered.

Rinoa shaded her eyes, her face frowning. "Oh, really?" She asked, "Protect him from what...?"

Azriel smirked. "From people like me!" She shouted, and suddenly threw another attack at Rinoa.

Kyou gasped as he dove in front of her, taking the hit instead. "Idiot!" Azriel exasperated.

A large, white bubble formed around Kyou, trapping him. "Dammit!" He cursed.

"Kyou?!" Rinoa shouted.

The agent looked down on Rinoa, surprised at her concern.

"Rinoa, if you wish to protect your friend from demons like Azriel, you must trust me!" He told her, trying to break through the bubble trap.

Rinoa stood there, examining the agent struggle to be free. Should she trust him? Should she actually believe that he is a good person? She had only just met him, but he claims that he can help her. 'What should I do?' She thought.

"Rinoa!" Kyou shouted, his voice shaky. She looked up in alarm.

It was as if a lightning storm was forming inside the bubble, shocking him.

"Stop! What are you doing?!" She asked Azriel.'

Azriel laughed manically, "Winning, what else does it look like?!"

"NO!" Rinoa shouted, losing control of herself.

Then, without thinking, she pulled out a sword and threw it at the demon like a dagger. The sword hit Azriel and knocked the staff, the source of her power, right out of her hands.

"Curse you!" She shouted angrily, and the bubble around Kyou disappeared.

Kyou fell to the ground with a dull thud.

"This isn't over, Rinoa! I will find him, whether you tell me or not!" Azriel announced. Rinoa dove to grab her, but it was too late... the demon twisted her cloak around her and she disappeared with a puff of smoke.

Rinoa gasped as she fell to the ground, but caught herself and jumped back up like a cat landing on all fours.

She then looked towards Kyou, who was laying on the ground slightly groaning in pain.

Rinoa looked more closely, and could see blood from the many small but deep cuts around the agent's arms and upper body through his clothing.

She walked over to him and knelt down to him. "Does it hurt?" She asked, trying hard to conceal the concern she had for this man. She was suspicious, but he had helped her fight against Azriel, her sworn enemy.

"No, not much..." Kyou chuckled. The truth was, it didn't hurt at all... but he savored the moment anyway.

"Here, I can help you..." Rinoa said, pulling out a mysterious looking necklace. The necklace was on a purple string, with a light blue crystal hanging from a silver chain.

It glowed when she touched it, and she held it over Kyou's wounds, closing her eyes in concentration.

The crystal glowed brightly, and the bloody wounds and cuts sealed up and healed, the blood being washed away. Kyou stared in amazement. Such power a human like her possessed... 'Such an interesting human...' He thought.

When she was done, he sat up. "Rinoa, thank you..." Kyou said sincerely. "No problem..." Rinoa told him, standing up.

"Rinoa..." Kyou said, looking away. "Yes?" Rinoa said. Kyou looked up, his eyes twinkling brightly. Rinoa thought she saw something in his eyes, something familiar...

"Do you trust me?" Kyou asked, holding out his hand. Rinoa thought for a moment, and smiled. She took his hand and helped him back to his feet.

"Yes... I believe I do now." She said.
