The End of the World, Part One

A weird little story I'm cooking up here. Probably a sci-fi one, like the War of the Worlds kinda. Hope you like it!


Comets of all sizes fell from the sky like rain on a starry, clear night. With only the moon as a means of light, it was impossible to see what was happening in front of you. I could see people running, screaming, looking for their families- it was total panic. They were all running, but I was alone, abandoned, staring up at the sky in awe.

“Hey, kid! Run to somewhere safe!” An adult shouted loudly.

But I didn’t hear him. I was too amazed by the powers of the sky and gravity to even notice him. So he gave up and ran off to save himself. I was pushed and shoved through a never-ending sea of people running the opposite way of the path of the comet. What was happening? There was no way of preparing for this, no way to be safe from the inevitable forces of nature. Was it perhaps the end of mankind? Was it the end of the world as we knew it? Whatever it was, I was fascinated by its superior power of unpredictability. Light from the brightly lit moon flared brilliantly and reflected off my eyes.

In my eyes, I suddenly saw something shining even more brightly so than that of the moon. It was the silhouette of a girl, falling from the sky! I gasped. Was she real? Was she going to fall and get hurt? I was curious, and couldn’t resist so I decided to follow her. The girl wasn’t that far, but not that close either… She was falling north, away from me. I determinedly pushed through the impossible crowd of people and finally made it to the edge of a river. Her body reflected off the moonlit water as gravity took her and slowly attempted to plunge her into the dirty water, but it somehow had failed.

“What?” I said, confused. She was floating! Floating just inches above the river, peacefully unconscious and unaware of what she was doing or where she was. She had long, tan-brown pigtails tied back by orange ribbons and a laced headband on her head. She wore a cute costume, though it was hard to make out in the dark. But I could see a one-strapped bag over her shoulder.

After my brief observation, she gracefully glided away from the river and landed softly onto the moist, tall grass. I knelt down to her, slowly, careful not to wake her. I don’t know where she came from, but I could tell you that she was really pretty.

Unexpectedly, she her mouth opened and started to cough and splutter up water and dust. Her blurry, emerald eyes tiredly looked upon mine.

“Run… they’re coming for you…” She managed to say. I didn’t know what she was talking about, but I had to get the both of us somewhere safe. I looked up at the sky, and there were suddenly strange ships trying to land!

I quickly decided to make it to the subway station underground. Maybe we would be safe there. So I picked her up, and she was surprisingly extremely light. It took me about fifteen minutes to arrive at the subway station. Luckily it was abandoned, accompanied only by lonely trash being blown by the wind as I slammed the door open. I hurried down the stairs and lay her down gently and sat beside her.

I never thought the world would end, especially not like this. By the way, my name is Yasushi Hikaru, and yes, it’s the end of the world.
