Welcome to my third world of none other than....Pokemon! :D I will be posting pictures, updates on Pokemon stuffers and my favorite game as of right now: Pokemon Black :3 Enjoy~ ^^

Pokemon x and y...and 3DS XL

:DDDDDDDDDDDD I am uber excited for this shit. *dies* I love everything they had brought into the new generation..no matter what anybody says..I love it. :> And just last weekend, I got this bad boy~~ External Image It's my precious.

Pokemon X...you are going to be mine. >) 3 days until I get it~

Blingee 83

My first Blingee 8D I think it turned out ok.:3 What do you all think?

Clicky here~

Oh and Happy St. Patty's day :3

Sparklyyyyy *w*

I found these to be cool and I might use one of them as my bg for this world >w> But which one should I use?owo ...

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I struck gold 8D

Juuuuust kidding.lol Although I do have a 23 karat gold pokemon card intact in a pokeball.83

Seen here:

External Image

(Not a picture of mine)

And my dad has this one:

External Image

(Not a picture of my dad's either)

Can you believe it's been that long? 1999-2012. Freakin' 13 years.=w= Oh how time flies.lol

Crossword puzzle: Complete

So, I found this in Dee's pokemon world and I thought I'd do this :D 1 across confused the heck out of me..I never thought of Weavile.xD Oh and mind my horrible MS paint handwriting..my laptop is slow, so my mouse was also slow and VERY jum...

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