Yu-Gi-Oh! HoloLens Project

I just saw one of the coolest stories on the Anime News Network that I just had to share with everyone. It seems there's a guy out there who's trying to use the Microsoft HoloLens technology to recreate the solid vision holograms used for the game of Duel Monsters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and anime. Below is a link to the story on the Anime News Network site, which includes a video that any Yu-Gi-Oh! fan should see.


It's not exactly like Kaiba's duel disk technology, but it's still pretty impressive. Imagine if this project gets to the point where actual duels can be played with it. It'd certainly make major tournaments pretty exciting to watch. It also means that kids would be pressuring their parents to get them a piece of tech that would probably cost over $600.00, but still. My mind was kind of blown when I saw that video.
