Advent Card 12: Santa Claws

It's time again for yet another card from the advent calendar. Today's card is one of those cards that seem to be more of an amusing gimmick and perhaps not that useful for competitive players, though strategy-wise it does have some uses.

I’ve known about the existence of this card for a couple of years now, and I just knew that it had to be included in the advent calendar since it is to date the only truly Christmas-themed card in this game (to be released outside of Japan). I feel like it would’ve been more appropriate if this were the card for Christmas Eve, but oh well. Anyway, this card was originally called Satan Clause in Japan, but of course they had to change the name when the released it to other parts of the world because in the end this is a children’s card game. While the card’s name is based on the name of Santa Clause, it appearance seems based on Krampus, the demon that is the darkness to balance Santa’s light. It should also be noted that the card’s ATK and DEF points are based on the numerical date for Christmas Day.

That does it for today's post. I'll be back again tomorrow with another card. In the meantime, you better be good for goodness sake, or else the monster from this card may come to get you.
