Deck Videos Anyone?

Hello again, everyone. Quite some time ago in a previous post, I mentioned how there are a good number of videos on YouTube showing the builds for various decks, and that these videos are good for getting a good idea about what cards to get if you want to build a deck of your own based on a particular archetype.

Well it occurred to me while doing today's advent calendar post that maybe some of you reading might like me to post some of those videos here in this world. Now I sadly wouldn't be making my own deck videos. For one thing, I currently lack the equipment for such a task. Plus I'm not really what one would consider to be a competitive player of the card game. These days I mainly just dabble in the card game, and the decks that I do end up building are mainly used for research purposes for writing various Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfics. But I can at least post some of the videos that I find useful in my own research.

So if anyone is interested in me doing this, please leave a comment on this post.
