Advent Card 21: Number 41

It's time once again for yet another card from the advent calendar, and today's card is a fairly interesting one.

Today’s card is another Number monster, and it’s one of the Numbers that appeared in neither that anime nor manga versions of ZEXAL. This is also one of those unfortunate cards that had its artwork heavily edited when it was released outside of Japan (click here to see the differences). Those pillows surrounding our sleeping tapir were originally beer bottles and cans, with the idea being that it had passed out from drinking way too much. I always have very mixed feelings whenever I encounter a card like this that’s been edited. On the one hand, I get that this is a children’s card game, and that there are simply some concepts that kids shouldn’t be exposed to. On the other hand though, editing the artwork of these cards so heavily is like say, putting a pair of jeans on Michelangelo’s David; artistic censorship of the worst kind.

So today's card was kind of a controversial one, wasn't it? There are now just three cards left in the advent calendar. Tune in again tomorrow to check out the next one.
