Felix Cristiano Barone

External Image

Full Name: Felix Cristiano Barone

Nick Name: Feli

Race: Italian, Human

Age: 17 at start of story
Gender: Male
Occupation: Gondolier/student
Blood Type: A+


Height/Weight: 125lbs 5'8"
Hair: redish, orangish, brown

Eyes: grey

Skin Tone: as tan as someone with fair skin can get

General Build: lightly muscled from work, thin

Distinguishing Features: eyes

Preferred Clothing: t-shirt and jeans. His uniform he gets in trouble for modifying all the time. He never wears his cummerbund and will often go without his hat unless it is really sunny.


General Attitude:He seems to be rather snarky. He's a hard worker and very kind. He loves his little sister a lot and is protective of her.

------Likes / Dislikes:------

Likes: working, tourists, English, gelato, Venice, his sister, Lima Beans, football (soccer)

Dislikes: cleaning, confusing situations, puzzles, when people don't give him a tip, people who insult Venice, people who put trash in the canal, golf, American Italian food

------Abilities of Note:------

Quirks: He whines...a lot. Randomly breaks into Italian versions of Disney songs, always has change in his pocket to give to beggars or homeless, writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed.

Fears: He's scared of heights and will scream Italian profanities if you take him to high places

------Social Status:------

Birth Rank: Normal citizen

Homeland/Birthplace: born and raised in Venice, Italy


His mother died giving birth to his sister. He lived with his Dad until he turned 15, then his dad went off to work in America. He sends money and goodies over to them. He used to visit every summer until he got remarried and decided to stay in America. He still sends checks, but not enough...so Felix works during the week and attends school on the weekend.
Younger sister: Sofia (Sofi)
Father: Davide (David now that he is "American")
Deceased Mother: Elisa
