External Image
Yo. Sakurie here! (since all of you are use to calling me that now XD )

Here's where you can usually find me:


  • TheOtaku.com: (of course :D )
  • Devianartart.com: fire-fox-sakurie (old account), behindsmiles (new account)
  • Gaiaonline.com: fire fox sakurie (old account). behindsmiles (new account)

And that's it! If you see my art elsewhere than it was stolen and you should tell me so I can shred them so I can tell them politely to take it off. <3

A Little About Me

-Taiwanese: Yu-jung (prounced as "Yu-rong". English spelling made it funny)
-Japanese: Sakurie (again, english spelling made it funny. Pronouced as "Sakuri" )
-English: Alice
Reason for many names: My dad's Taiwanese and my mom's Japanese. I don't live with either of them since they've divorced and moved so many times that it's hard to follow along. XD
Birthday: July.31.1992
Hobbies: I like drawing of course, but strangely I'm not into watching anime. It's too much work. I DO love watch J-dramas though, so if you're a big fan we HAVE to chat. =D lol Oh right, hobbies- volleyball, softball, piano, photography

-- アリス


Alright, I dunno why but TheO is being really stupid on my computer right now. You know those load bars that come up when you click to open comments? Yeah, it's not working for me. =u= I'm even getting images of those loading bars popping out of nowhere. (Like this: External Image) So right now all I can do is vote & fav, no comments or comment backs until it stops doing that. I'm sorry. TTuTT

EDIT: by the way, I sorry, I can't even read the comments you guys post here. x3x;

TY for the birthday wish everyone ;U;

Thank you so so so SOO much for the birthday wishes and drawings. Sayura told me to come back on to check and I FREAKED when I saw how many messages there were. lol

I'm sorry that I won't be staying. My break from TheO might take a little longer. I'm still working out some things with my style and figuring a few others things out as well, but I do miss talking to a lot of you guys lots!

I've been on gaia practicing with those interesting little avies so you can find me there until school starts again. ^^ You can find me on msn as well!

Gaia (new account): behindsmiles
MSN: behindsmiles@live.com

I hope to talk to you guys again soon. But until then, please take care. ^__^

-- Sakurie

Spring Break~!!

I'm leaving for my 3-4 day cruise in a few minutes, but I'll be back around Monday or Tuesday. ^__^ Have a wonderful weekend everyone and I'll come back with more art and photos for you guys! ^^
(There's two new artwork up for now before I leave lol )

Bai bai~ I'll miss you guys! >w< -tackle hugs you all-


lol Not really. XD

Just a quick update before I leave for my volunteer work again and then my vocal lessons after that.

We had midterms the past week so I was having a hard time getting all my presentations and everything together all last week and the week before that.
(I went through several panic attacks ^u^ Ehuhuhu~)

Thank goodness I got that over with. I'll take a break and work on Kingdom Hearts Remix and some other stories too when I get back home. ^___^


lol, yup. Have a great weekend everyone. Hope you're all doing well! ^U^


-- アリス

A new year is approaching

Happy almost New Years everyone! Sorry I disappeared for a few days. I went to New York~ ^u^ It's only an hour drive or so from where I'm staying now, but this is the first chance we got to finally going since I got here from LA.

Because the requirement of photos for TheOtaku is only 4 per post, there's a link below to see the rest.

But first...

How awesome is it that they have a T-Rex in a toy store?! It even growls! XD

The rest of the photos are here along with some comments from me for each picture. ^__^

Well, I'll be staying up to comment on old artwork tonight(I'll finish up tomorrow morning though if I don't get around to finishing all the comments tonight) since I won't be home tomorrow or the day after that to get on. There's going to be another full out formal party for the New Years tomorrow, and then we're going skiing on the day of New Years (Thursday)!

I'll most likely sneak away from the party and work on my holiday gifts for you guys. I'm sad that there's never any internet connection at these events. ;n;


And I've never gone skiing before, so I'll post up some pictures and videos when I get back. It'll be a nice little laugh for you guys!

That's it! I'll post more up after the New Years Party and the skii trip. ^___^ Oh! And remember that "Dear Friends" world of mine that posts up gifts for you guys? That's about to get updated real soon. ^__^

Since I won't be here, Happy New Year Everyone! Please don't forget to make your wish for 2009! -tackle hugs everyone-

-- アリス