Hi there,

I'm Ari(:

i'll post a pic for the intro soon! ( im in class xD )
so yes.
but here's a little about me just to get started.

Alias: Ari
Age: 14
Likes: Anime, anything from japan, drawing, writing, sugar, food, the sorts
Dislikes: gross food, bugs, dead animals, bad smells, people without a life, haters, people who dislike me for no reason.

Here's the deal:
* if you have no good reason to be mean to somebody, DONT be mean. i hate people like that.
* i also hate people who never shut up. and disrespect people. && are very nosey.
* i <3 comments and people who would love to be friends.!!
* i <33333 <3333 people who subscribe and favorite and comment (nice ones) on my work
* i think rules are stupid. so there are none for this world. blehh.
* im obsessed with someone, yes i'm a creeper. but hey, aren't we all?

sorry for the hiatus guise>.<

i've got alot going on in my life atm and it's draining me of my skills:c

i rreally haven't drawn that much, but i'll upload what i can.
they're just a bunch of doodles basically, but i'll still upload them.


remember the boyfriend i told you about? the crazy ex?
yes, well his cousin.

is like.

insanely adorable and he likes me, and i kinda sorta like him to.

and he came over last night.

and he kissed me.

and well it was just purely amazing.

and he was calling me beautiful.
i feel like a whore though.
but i really like this kid. He means alot to me. sigh.

i'll see where this all goes.

oh! and i'm seeing a therapist now! so hopefully i'll start feeling better!

i love you guys!

listen to
kiss with a fist <3

it's adorable.

peace and love,


so my ex boyfriend is really ticking me off.

he evaded my privacy yesterday, telling people my secret that he somehow found out. from my "friend".
NOW he thinks i'm trying to split my friend and his girlfriend up, so then he decided he was going to tell the gf.
i mean, why would i do that? what pleasure would that give me? what kind of friend would i be if i did? that's terrrible.!

so then he decided i was a whore.

he's ruining my life and acting like a immature brat. he needs to hop off before he gets physically hurt. i swear..
now thanks to him, i'm probably losing my friend.

my friend means so much to me..

God i hate it out here.

srry i havent been on..

life's taken a turn for the unexplained.

i got a boyfriend
dumped him
fell for his cousin
cousin fell for me
ex starts shit
then cousin confesses to me.
i confess back.
ex starts more drama
me and cousin=confused
got closer with my best friend.
now, idk.

in muhh pants(i totally stole this)

Put your playlist on shuffle

• When you get your song title, add "in my pants" after the song


• Do this 20 times

• Tag at least 5 friends who might enjoy doing the game.

1.Black Cat in my pants

2.Its the end of the world in my pants

3.Crazy Beautiful Life in my pants.

4.Cannibal in my pants.

5.Bust a move in my pants.* (many moves)

6.Stuttering in my pants

7.Stalker in my pants (he should get out)

8.Memory in my pants*

9.Hey Brittany in my pants

10.Chelsea In my pants

11.Maybe in my pants

12.The Harold Song in my pants

13.Jumper in my pants

14.Vampires will never hurt you in my pants (cuz they cant get down there;)

15.I forgive you in my pants

16.Grow a pair in my pants !?!?!?!?!??!!

17.Sleazy in my pants

18.And so it ends in my pants*

19.The Boys you do in my pants

20.Hell Yeah! in my pants.



depressed i guess you could say. my life been suckish recently. :(

so idk. i just haven't been all the way here. :P

so i guess you say i'm depressed. i just wish he knew how i felt...or at least felt that way back........